YetuSwap is a decentralized exchange based on the Binance Smart Chain. It uses automated market-making (AMM), which allows assets to be traded in a permissionless and automated way by using liquidity pools than a traditional market of buyers and sellers. In the liquidity pools, liquidity providers add funds to the available pools. YetuSwap has its own governance asset, the YETU token, which users can use to vote on different platform proposals and protocol changes. And they plan to incentivize the liquidity providers with yield farming. YetuSwap is already under development and will be audited before launching on June 20, 2021.
Yetucoin raised ~ 249 BNB ( $ 130,000) on PRESALE.
Token Information:
Token Name: YETU
Token Type: BEP20 Binance
Token Current Price: ~$ 0.2
Token Launching Price: $ 2
Total Supply: 100.000.000 YETU
Yetucoin is carrying out the third stage of the ICO at the moment. Users, who would like to participate in the Yetucoin ICO, need to send BNB to their sale address.
Sale Address: 0xbc655c39788F6A9B16F
- Yetucoin will be listed on the VinDAX exchange soon.
- Yetucoin is already listed on CoinMarketCap
- Yetucoin was already mentioned on the Main Newspaper and TV channels of Angola.
- The details of the Pre-Sale and ICO are as follows:
Pre-Sale Date: 04/01/2021 – 15/04/2021
Pre-Sale Price: $0.04
ICO Round 1 Date: 16/04/2021 – 05/05/2021
ICO Round 1 Price: $0.08
ICO Round 2 Date: 06/05/2021 – 20/05/2021
ICO Round 2 Price: $0.2
ICO Round 3 Date: 21/05/2021 – 05/06/2021
ICO Round 3 Price: $0.4
ICO Round 4 Date: 06/06/2021 – 20/06/2021
ICO Round 5 Price: $0.8
Acceptable Currencies: BNB
Useful links:
Website —
Whitepaper —
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Telegram Channel —
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Token BscScan —
ICO explorer –
CoinMarketCap –